Welcome to Sunny Days Ahead
This Twine Game runs through the major choices and challenges of the EscapeIF experience.
Sunny Days Ahead targets grades 4 - 6 with a focus on Time. Global Competancy Framework Learning Objectives achieved by Sunny Days Ahead include:
- M2.1.4 Identify or solve problems involving equivalences between different units of time
- M2.2.2 Solve problems involving elapsed time, including when times are presented in a schedule
- M2.2.3 Solve problems involving conversions of time: 12-hour and 24-hour time, time zones, and different units of time
Game Overview
The players are opening their first bakery and are asked to keep track of their schedule to make sure orders are completed. Players have a menu of baked goods, from cakes to cupcakes to cookies to prepare in time for their customers. The players have to asses the situation, plan when and how they are going to ensure the orders get completed. This activity is split into two days, with Entry 6 marking the start of Day 2. This game does not need to proceed to day 2 if there is not enough time.
Act 1: The First Day